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In Conversation with The Smith Family – The Struggle Books
Hello everyone! Today we’re excited to welcome on the show Donna, Shannon, Charity, Faith and their mom Patrice Smith, writers of not one but rather two young adolescent chapter books entitled “The Struggle Books“. Smith family is going along with us today to impart their story to us and motivation and diligent work that went behind these books.
The Struggle Books focuses on number of challenges faced by teenage girls, from learning to navigate the approaching adult world to reconciling relationships with one another. Each face these obstacles with different outlooks and experiences.
Listen in as these four youthful sisters talk about transforming their immature battles into a lesson for different adolescents. Smith family is hoping their books will encourage and inspire other kids to achieve greatness and to not be afraid of hard work. Hope you guys enjoy the interview as much as we did recording!
More about The Struggle Books (2 Book Series)
From Book 1: The story of four sisters-Diamond, Shelia, Crystal, and Felicity who dread their summer break because of their mom. A timely and hilarious read told through the eyes and voice of adolescent authors about their perspective of Mom’s summertime “fun”.
Young readers will empathise with the youthful perspective of parents and “their ways”. Parents will enjoy reading about the feelings of the four girls in the story, nodding in agreement from the beginning to the end. The entire family will enjoy this book. Instead of those great summer trips and long lazy days of summer, the four sisters complain about having to eat healthy and exercise, do homework and chores, and more. Throughout the book the girls tell of important life lessons taught by their parents. These lessons are told in a comical way.
Here is the Amazon link to get your own copy of The Struggle Books
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In this episode, we discuss
- Donna, Shannon, Charity, Faith and their mother Patrice talk more about chapter books entitled “The Struggle Books,”
- Where did Patrice get the idea for this book
- How was their experience with each of the girls creating her own character and being in charge of her story
- How did Smith family embraced the challenge
- What’s next for the series and its young authors, their ambitions in life and much more….Be sure to tune in to find out & you’ll be so glad you did!
A big Thank you to the Smith family for doing this Interview! We’re so cheerful to pass on these AMAZING books to all our listeners and we hope you’ll check out more of their books in the future!
Check out Smith Family’s website for more information
Connect with Smith Family on their Social Media
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Thanks for tuning in and have a wonderful Thursday!😆
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