Why Should I Climb This Tree by Ryan Hogan: #RWYK Certified Great Read

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Why Should I Climb This Tree by Ryan Hogan: #RWYK Certified Great Read – Book Review


Congratulations to Ryan Hogan!

His debut Picture Book Why Should I Climb This Tree is our latest Reading With Your Kids Certified Great Read!


Why Should I Climb this Tree? is a coming of age story about courage, hope, the undeniable power of nature, and believing in yourself in an unpredictable world.


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Ryan Hogan, author of "Why Should I Climb This Tree"Ryan Hogan – Father, leader, writer and musician in Upstate NY

At 43 years into this life, Ryan came to realize that we may be a bit lost. While he had been navigating adulthood, facing both expected and unexpected challenges, he found himself wanting to be a kid again. When his son was born in 2008, he discovered that being a Dad was his calling in life. And then he was blessed with a daughter 2 years later, further backing this realization.

His parents raised him with a ‘go outside and play’ strategy. It was in nature where he felt the most calm and content. But, it wasn’t just about being happy outside, it was about the intrigue, the mystery, the sounds and smells of the woods, and what he felt nature could teach him about himself. He believes that as parents we do our absolute best with our children, but perhaps we’ve forgotten the power of nature, and may have fallen away from that strategy consistently deployed by his parents. This story is dedicated to his extraordinary son, each and every one of you navigating parenthood, or anyone facing a challenge in this wild ride of life; Go outside and play!

Click here to visit Ryan’s website – https://www.whyshouldiclimbthistree.com/

Click here to listen to his interview on the podcast – https://readingwithyourkids.libsyn.com/why-should-i-climb-this-tree


About the Illustrator

Susanna BraymerSusanna BraymerSue is a passionate artist and illustrator in Upstate NY. With talents across several mediums, her love of nature is only surpassed by her ability to draw it.


Here’s Our Review

Why Should I Climb This Tree is a beautiful picture book written by Ryan Hogan and illustrated by Susanna Braymer. The book is not only a reminder for kids and parents to take the time to appreciate the beauty and wonder of nature that surrounds us, it is also a metaphor for life, encouraging us all to step outside of our comfort zones in order to become the person we are meant to be.

What do you see when you look at a tree? A beautiful part of the landscape? A source of shade? A reminder that come fall you will have a lot of raking to do? Do you ever look at a tree and see an adventure? A World unto itself, filled with choices, creatures, colors and sounds? A perch that will give you a new perspective on your surroundings, on your life? Why Should I Climb This Tree reminds us that a tree is a gateway into nature, a place we can escape too when we need a break from screens and devices, a place we can just be.

Ryan Hogan’s words inspire readers to be adventurous. Susanna Braymer’s illustrations remind us of all of nature’s beauty that surrounds us. This is a simply wonderful book that families can read over and over.

Final Verdict

Why Should I Climb This Tree conveys an important message to step outside of our comfort zone and discover the beauty and adventure that surrounds us. The absolutely beautiful illustrations will captivate the attention of young and old alike, and the story will inspire your family to put down your screens and get out into nature.


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