The Power of Empathy – Be the Friend You’ve Always Wanted: #RWYK Certified Great Read

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The Power of Empathy: Be the Friend You’ve Always Wanted by Ruth Maille: #RWYK CERTIFIED GREAT READ

Congratulations to Ruth Maille!

The Power of Empathy: Be the Friend You’ve Always Wanted is our latest Certified great Read!



The Power of Empathy: Be the Friend You’ve Always WantedEmpathy can prevent bullying, help kids make friends and regulate emotions.

Don’t miss spending time with Orbit and his friends on their fourth adventure of The Power of… children’s picture book series.

This beautifully illustrated story gently teaches young children how to recognize their emotions – and the emotions of others. Children learn what it means to practice empathy by witnessing real-life examples that are easy for them to understand.

Written with easily understandable language, and perfect for adults to read aloud, this book enables children to see themselves in the examples that Orbit shares with his friends.

Grab Your Copy From Amazon!


Ruth MailleRuth Maille is the author of the multi-award-winning books in The Power of… series. Her interactive books focus on character traits that are essential to social and emotional learning. Ruth’s passion for writing comes from years of reading children’s books and seeing the resulting impact on young lives. She became an author to help children learn to use their imaginations to embark on make-believe adventures that teach them lifelong values that equip and inspire them to be anything they choose. Ruth has owned and operated a daycare/preschool for 32 years and is a certified parent-relationship coach. Daily she is very grateful for the privilege of helping many families using the tools she has acquired in both professions.


Learn more about Ruth, and her books at



Learning to respect and care about the feelings of others is one of the most important developmental steps for children, and it is never too early to help young children to learn these skills. Books are a wonderful tool 

Written by Ruth Maille, a certified, licensed parent-relationship coach, and illustrated by Ramesh Ram, The Power of Empathy: Be the Friend You’ve Always Wanted, is a stunning children’s picture book that aims to teach kids how having empathy for one another can make this world a better place for them and others around them. With the help of a fantasy creature, Orbit, the book wants every child to realize the important role that spreading kindness, love, and empathy can play in bringing positivity and light to our communities This wonderfully illustrated picture book teaches young children how to identify and show empathy via real-life examples that are simple enough for young children to understand. Children can see themselves in those examples that Orbit shares with his friends. The importance of talking with others about our feelings is emphasized throughout the book. 

This book is a useful building block for helping kids in their journey toward developing emotional intelligence and complements other books Ruth Maille has written. 

It describes what empathy looks like and provides additional suggestions for how we can practice showing empathy to others. Kid friendly language makes it a perfect book for a read aloud session with your kids.

The overall goal of these amazing collection of books(The Power of Gratitude, The Power of Positivity, The Power of Kindness) is to show the power of positivity, kindness, and empathy, and this story successfully does just that. Every one of us spends a lot of time expressing ourselves. We give thought to our needs, wants, and feelings. While it’s important to take care of oneself, we sometimes forget to consider the feeling of others. The power of empathy also explains perspective, empathy, acknowledging other people’s emotions (such as fear, sadness, anger, or joy), empathy, and, of course, kindness.


In The Power of Empathy, Orbit and the children learn…

  • You can be the best friend you want by having empathy for others.
  • “Empathy is the ability to acknowledge and care about another person’s feelings”. – Orbit
  • “Another aspect of empathy is the ability to look at things from the viewpoint of another person” – Orbit
  • “When my brother was sad because he didn’t make the catch at his baseball game, and I felt sad for him, that was empathy” – Gabby
  • Empathy can also apply to happy times, so it’s not just for sad situations.
  • “Last week, my friend Kim went to the zoo. When she told us all about the animals, her excitement made me happy that she was able to go.” – Trent 
  • “I was angry at my dog, Bandit, when he ran off with my favorite book.” – Noah
  • “We can experience a wide range of emotions when we experience empathy.” – Orbit
  • “Empathy is a gift that can be given and received. “ – Orbit
  • “When I broke Kim’s crayon, I felt ashamed. She showed empathy by understanding it was an accident. That made me feel better.” – Dominic
  • “I think I am going to use Empathy as MY superpower!” – Noah


Grab your copy of The Power of Empathy: Be the Friend You’ve Always Wanted, and teach kids to be kind and empathetic!

The Power of Empathy on Biteable.

Listen to Ruth’s latest appearance on the Reading With Your Kids Podcast



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