Meet “Queen of Physics: A Children’s Book by Teresa Robeson

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We Will ROAR!!! Respect Others And Read!!!


In Conversation with Teresa Robeson, author of Queen of Physics: How Wu Chien Shiung Helped Unlock the Secrets of the Atom

Hey everyone, Today we’re thrilled to introduce our listeners to a very talented debut picture book author Teresa Robeson! 

Born in Hong Kong, raised in Canada, and living on a small homestead in the U.S., Teresa Robeson writes nonfiction, fiction, speculative fiction, and the occasional poem for all ages. She is joining us today to talk about her debut picture book, “QUEEN OF PHYSICS: How Wu Chien Shiung Helped Unlock the Secrets of the Atom,” to be published by Sterling and released September 2019.

We’re excited about Teresa’s book so we decided to sit down and get to know more about her beautiful book, what inspired her to write QUEEN OF PHYSICS, her writing process, her life experiences as an author and how it helped her in writing this book, upcoming projects and much more. So grab a cup of hot chocolate, tune in and let the conversation begin!


About Teresa Robeson

Teresa RobesonTeresa Robeson was lucky enough to view the first lunar landing and be raised on a healthy dose of Star Trek. This series of fortunate events turned her into a total nerd/geek-girl who loves to write and read science fiction, science, and modern fantasy. She also has a life-long love of children’s lit, having never really grown up. Her stories and poems have appeared in publications for children and adults, such as Babybug, Ladybug and Outdoor Indiana magazines. The anthologies listed here on Amazon are sold by the Minnows Literary Group with all income donated to Doctors Without Borders. 
Teresa is represented by Natascha Morris of BookEnds Literary Agency. For more about her, as well as to contact her, please check out her website at
Rebecca Huang is an illustrator from Taiwan who currently lives in the Bay Area. Rebecca received her MFA degree in illustration from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. She is the author and illustrator of Bobo and the New Baby. You can visit her at

Queen of Physics: How Wu Chien Shiung Helped Unlock the Secrets of the Atom (People Who Shaped Our World)

Meet Wu Chien Shiung, a famous physicist who overcame prejudice to prove that she could be anything she wanted.

Queen of Physics: How Wu Chien Shiung Helped Unlock the Secrets of the Atom (People Who Shaped Our World)When Wu Chien Shiung was born in China 100 years ago, most girls did not attend school; no one considered them as smart as boys. But her parents felt differently. Giving her a name meaning “Courageous Hero,” they encouraged her love of learning and science. This engaging biography follows Wu Chien Shiung as she battles sexism and racism to become what Newsweek magazine called the “Queen of Physics” for her work on beta decay. Along the way, she earned the admiration of famous scientists like Enrico Fermi and Robert Oppenheimer and became the first woman hired as an instructor by Princeton University, the first woman elected President of the American Physical Society, the first scientist to have an asteroid named after her when she was still alive, and many other honors.

Click the Amazon link below to grab your copy today to start the discussions with your kids about physics, and much more!


In this episode of the Reading with Your Kids Podcast, you’ll hear:

  • Debut picture book author Teresa Robeson talks about her diverse background.
  • Her passion for science and physics
  • How has her background helped her in writing a picture book for kids
  • What has been her reader’s reactions to her book?
  • What kind of discussion families can have after reading QUEEN OF PHYSICS
  • What is Teresa Robeson currently working on, her future projects and much more…Be sure to tune in for all the great insights!



A big Thank You to Teresa Robeson for talking to us and sharing her story with our listeners!


We are very excited to see what she does next!  We hope you have enjoyed listening to this episode and be sure to keep your eye out for her future books.


If you haven’t already done so, listen to this episode & feel free to share it by using the social media buttons at the bottom of this page. We would LOVE if you could leave us a review on iTunes.

Thanks for tuning in and have a wonderful day!😆

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The Great Maritini by Jedlie

Check out The Great Martini, A fun and touching story about Sam, a lovable but far from a perfect magician who learns that the greatest transformation is transforming feelings of caring into action to help another human being. The Great Maritini, as an exclusive Amazon e-bookPlease click here to get your copy today.-

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