Seeds & Trees: A Children’s Book about the Power of Words!

Seeds & Trees: A Children’s Book about the Power of Words! post thumbnail image

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Reading With Your Kids Podcast Starring Brandon Walden

 “Be careful what you water because it will surely grow.”

Welcome, dear readers to the Reading with Your Kids Podcast! Today we’re super excited to have the opportunity to interview Brandon Walden, author of a great new children’s book named  Seeds and Trees. Brandon is a husband, a father of 4 beautiful daughters, Author, a family content creator and a Public Speaker. He is raising funds for Seeds & Trees: A Children’s Book about the power of words on Kickstarter!

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

In our exciting interview, Brandon discusses his book, his kickstarter campaign, importance of good seeds & bad seeds, benefits of crowdfunding, importance of children’s literacy and much more. There is so much information packed into this episode of the Reading With Your Kids Podcast, you do not want to miss a second of it. Hope you guys enjoy the interview as much as we did recording!


More about Seeds and Trees


Seeds and Trees is a story about the power of words. But, also, it’s a story to bring awareness to parents, peers, and counselors of how words truly affect young children. In Seeds and Trees the primary character, the prince (who looks awfully similar to how Brandon looked at a young age) gives and receives words (seeds) and faithfully plants and waters them. As they grow they become powerful trees that bring peace or pain, healing or hurt. It’s not until late in his life that a trusted friend comes along and helps him tend to the garden of his heart.

In this episode

  • We talk about the benefits that crowdfunding is bringing to authors and parents, and how taking part in a crowdfunding campaign can help empower a child and give the child a sense of ownership in the publication of a book.
  • Brandon talks about his book and the importance of creating a world where children know their identity and value and are able to steward the good and bad seeds they receive throughout their years.
  • Brandon tells us what inspired Seeds and Trees & encourages parents to read it aloud with their kids
  • Why did Brandon choose to publish his book through kickstarter campaign and why you should support his book…
  • Jed shares some great words of wisdom from C. S. Lewis…Be Sure To Tune In!

If you haven’t already done so, listen to this episode & feel free to share it by using the social media buttons at the bottom of this page. We would LOVE if you could leave us a review on iTunes.

Join the Reading With Your Kids staff to support this Kickstarter Campaign to make Seeds and Tress a reality. Click here to find out more.

The funds raised in this project will cover the balance of the cost of the first printing. Brandon has invested thousands of dollars so far and intend to in the near future for future marketing purposes beyond this Kickstarter.

Visit Brandon’s website:


Twitter: @DearMrWalden


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