Kate Farrell on Familius Publishing and her LOVE for books!

Kate Farrell on Familius Publishing and her LOVE for books! post thumbnail image

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Kate Farrell, Director of Marketing and PR at Familius Publishing

Hello, and welcome to the Reading with your kids podcast!  

We have an extra special episode for you this time. We bring Marketing Director of Familius Publishing, Kate Farrell along to talk about some of the wonderful children’s books Familius has planned for 2019.  Kate tells us how Familius is all about strengthening families. Their mission is to help families be happy by creating beautiful books that teach, inspire, and bring families together.

In this episode, get to know Kate, Discover how her own life experiences shaped her career, Take a peek inside some of the upcoming books by Familius, And find out the secrets behind the creative marketing processes. Get your cup of coffee ready, and let’s get started!


A note from Kate Farrell

I first realized the power of stories to create communities and conversations in my years working on a book-to-film fansite. I witnessed how every step of development and production impacted audiences’ lives and sparked conversations.

My deep interest in learning about people and their stories is what inspired me to create my own major in Human Development, Media, and Creativity at Brandeis University (where I also spent a semester interning at Familius). I’m thrilled to work with Familius’s authors to share their perspectives and knowledge with our community of readers.


In this episode, Christopher answers the following questions

  • Kate shares her Knowledge about marketing the books
  • What inspired her to take marketing as a career?
  • An exclusive sneak peeks into some of the exciting upcoming books from Familius and what do you hope to achieve in future?


A big thank you to Kate Farrell for joining us and for sharing his story with us!


Finally, where can you find Christopher & Familius on the internet?

Website: http://www.familius.com/


If you love this episode then please share and please subscribe to us on iTunes. And please spread the word: tell your friends, and leave a rating on iTunes so that others can find it.

We’d love to hear from you!  Contact us and together we can discuss what ideas you think should be included in a future episode, and we can explore potentially setting up an interview. Our goal is to have all voices at the table!

Thanks for tuning in and have a wonderful day😆


The Great Maritini by Jedlie


Check out The Great Martini, A fun and touching story about Sam, a lovable but far from a perfect magician who learns that the greatest transformation is transforming feelings of caring into action to help another human being. The Great Maritini, as an exclusive Amazon e-bookPlease click here to get your copy today.

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